2019 marks the 30th year of activity for BIC Incubatori FVG – Gruppo Friulia, and the achievement of goals that few initially thought possible
Testifying to this are the companies nurtured by the business incubator and that are now well established in Friuli Venezia Giulia, such as EURIS, MW. FEP, TBS GROUP, the Emaze network, and SIMCO VR, which have created a great many jobs, and the companies currently hosted by BIC Trieste: no less than 48 companies accounting for over 350 jobs and an aggregated turnover in excess of € 60 million. This turnover is the result of the transformation of the companies’ know-how and patents into highly technological and innovative products.
Although it is impossible to list them all, it is worth mentioning INNOVA S.p.A. for its technological content and growth; GPQ S.r.l., which is about to emerge from the incubator after purchasing a facility and renovating it according to the most modern and stringent criteria for manufacturing pharmaceuticals; EUFOTON S.r.l., for its ability to penetrate markets even on other continents; PSG S.r.l. for its ability to successfully provide highly technological services to major industrial groups; PROPENSIONE S.p.A., an innovative startup that puts together and analyses pension plans; the many companies working in the health care and maritime technology fields; and our newest arrivals, BIO4DREAMS S.p.A. and Embryon S.r.l..
These companies embody the originality and modernity of our atypical entrepreneurship.
While we could consider ourselves satisfied with the results we have achieved, we are also aware that our mission will be complete only once we will have successfully characterized the incubator in hosting companies belonging to clusters with high potential for growth such as IT and health – today the incubator hosts 4 clusters – thus limiting dispersion and attracting not only the best startups from these two sectors from outside the region, but also the attention of the relevant industrial groups and the financial intermediaries specialising in these two sectors.
To this end, we have recently noted the interest of private companies to have a presence in the incubator for the specific purposes of providing financial support to innovative startups in their significant investments both at the early-stage phase and during the initial launch. For the time being, this interest is limited specifically to the life sciences sector, while awaiting the launch of similar initiatives in other innovative.
The ability to achieve such significant results over the years is thanks to the management bodies that have served the incubator over the last thirty years, beginning with Francesco Zacchigna, BIC’s founder, who strongly believed in the incubator as a tool to support the foundation and development of new businesses.
We should also remember the work of our many employees over time, to whom we are particularly grateful in light of the dedication and professionalism they have brought to bear every day in helping develop the companies we host.